7 long-term advantages of roof replacement

Vertex Roofing

Finding out that your roof needs to be replaced can be an unwelcome and stressful experience, but professional roof replacement is actually very beneficial in the long-term.

Just as replacing your roof before it is needed is a poor financial investment, so too is waiting too long, paying repeatedly for expensive repairs, and waiting for disaster to strike.

In the long-term, replacement is almost always better than extensive repairs and here are 7 of the biggest reasons why:

1. Avoid ongoing costs

At some point, the costs of frequent roof repairs will mount up to such an extent that it no longer makes financial sense to put off a replacement any longer.

As the tiles and shingles on your property age, the chances of a leak that you do some seriously expensive property damage rises and the fact is that the only way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to have a new roof installed.

The higher quality materials which make up modern roofs are far less likely to require maintenance in the near future, and even if they do this work will probably be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.

When choosing a new roof, make sure to opt for one from a well respected roofing firm, as the quality of the workmanship, warranty offered, and materials used are all hugely important in determining the maintenance that will be required in the future.

2. Improve energy efficiency

Replacing your roof is one of the best possible ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

What many forget is that the majority of the heat lost in your home escapes through the roof and limiting this is vital to limiting your energy bill expenditure.

Pairing your new Vertex Glasgow roof, constructed with the latest most thermally efficient shingles and tiles with proper insulation in your loft space could help save you a tremendous amount of money in the future.

Furthermore, modern roofs are designed to bear the weight of all the latest green technologies including solar panels which can further reduce your reliance on ever more expensive grid energy.

3. Less Stress

Once you replace your roof, it will be several decades before you need to think about doing so again, meaning you can relax and enjoy your home without ever having to worry about if your roof will make it through the next winter storm.

Nothing is more important than the safety of your family, and a new roof will give you peace of mind that they are protected at all times.

4. Increased value

Not only will you enjoy the benefits of a new roof, but if you ever decide to sell, future residents will too.

This won’t go unnoticed by potential buyers who will be even more attracted to your property due to the fact that repair work will not be required in the near future.

This could greatly increase the value of the offers you receive, making a new roof an even sounder financial investment.

5. Avoid water damage

Fixing damage to your roof itself is annoying, time consuming, and expensive but if the damage leads to water getting into your home, the damage done will be far more serious.

Precious belongings, documents, and expensive equipment are all under threat from leaks not to mention that electrical fires are a genuine threat should water meet live electricity.

Water seeping into the home also promotes the growth of mould and mildew growth that can make your home an unsafe living environment, especially for those with asthma or other breathing difficulties.

6. Identifying underlying issues

Major roof degradation is easy to spot as it will reveal itself in leakages, broken tiles, and fallen shingles.

Problems below the shingles themselves, however, are harder to identify, and removing your existing roof in preparation for a new one is the best way to check these areas for underlying issues.

Warped or rotting plywood will be exposed and replaced, and new flashing drip edge and weather protection can be laid down.

7. Insurance benefits

One of the major benefits of a new roof is that the chances of major property damage are reduced.

As a result of this, the chances of you having to make an insurance claim or a liability issue arising are reduced significantly.

There is a chance that your insurance company may recognise this and reduce your home insurance premiums.

In fact, once your roof reaches a certain age, insurers may not be willing to cover damage to it at all, meaning that the only way to secure home protection will be to install a replacement.
